Rolling returns
This tool visualizes the distribution of rolling returns given a time series of daily prices.
Rolling returns are useful for examining how assets behaved on various holding periods.
The simulation is prefilled with a
You can override that at any time by uploading a CSV file formatted as follows:
Date,Asset 1,Asset 2,etc...
… or simply choose some Yahoo Finance tickers:
Some tickers are ambigous and require you to specify the exchange.
For example, to get data for VWCE
you should write VWCE.MI
for Borsa Italiana,
for XETRA, and so on…
Use the Yahoo Finance search to find out the exact ticker.
Dataset preview
Historical prices
This section allows you to filter out data that in your opinion is either too old or too recent.
Given a rolling window of size
Probability distribution
Let's now use the set of profits/losses to compute a probability distribution of
the expected returns after holding for